- PHP eval support in templates
- how to make phpdig support GB2313?
- Results to another page (Apportal)
- How can i index upper case word text?
- I want search RUSSIAN (ISO-8859-5) language in PHPDig, How to ???
- Crawling Options
- Templates - cannot get index.php to display different one
- cron job
- PHP includes in Template?
- Using text file for URL's
- To php or not to php
- search phrases in quotes?
- highlight search results on page?
- htaccess
- iso-8859-7
- Simple way of inserting a search form
- Indexing
- Charter, Please do me a favour.
- Using PHP include in templates
- Shorter Decription
- Indexing outside root domain
- National characters < Please Help
- resizing the text form field...
- changing the results message.
- Directory structures appear as one word
- Phpdigsearch (...)
- PhpDig & PHP-Nuke
- Per URL Catalogs?
- indexing urls with base64 encoded querystring
- $refine $refine_url $site
- Homepage-title in the results
- Link to another table
- getting past session protected pages
- reindex specific PHP page on change?
- Returning from a html page to a php page.
- Search box on html page
- windows-1251 encoding
- separting results and search form
- Can PhpDig index OpenOffice Docs?
- Limit number of spidered pages
- Number of ' spider ' simultaneous
- phpdigHttpVars - register_globals
- Exclude index page
- Meta - keywords
- How to exclude part of page in a PHP file
- Spidering through a script
- Cron jobs-Automated Updates
- Cron Job on Linux/Apache
- index only .shtml
- index via shell
- .shtml pages and including borders
- PhpDig & UTF-8
- Problem whith inclute in template SSI blocks
- about debug_functions.php
- inserting phpdig into a website
- PHP includes in templates
- Searchfeed results displayed with phpdig results
- Newbie : How to include PHP file (.php)
- Indexing by command line...
- Japanese encoding : charset=shift_jis
- Customization of "XML like code"
- Search in specific directory
- Number of links found
- Exact Phrase functionality
- don't indexing metatags content
- finding dead links
- Can I limit the page title length, that gets saved?
- Anyone have luck serving phpdig through Zope?
- Korean Pages
- spidering links but not their text
- Spider with Windows Scheduler?
- Setting HTTP_USER_AGENT for spidering..
- Stop spidering site after using an amount of bandwidth
- Indexing javascript links
- Search in specific directory ONLY?
- How To Index One-Character Words
- Indexing the content of a database
- removing 'Powered by' allowed?
- Can I close Putty during command line indexing?
- indexing " numeric " words
- Problems with rankings
- phpdig using vhost(ip)
- Too many results per site spidered and redirections
- Hide variables
- Exclude links with certain url variabls
- indexing question
- posible to search in a mysql database
- Spidering vBulletin web sites?
- Search Page
- force dircotory to be spidered as new site
- Re-search restricted to one site only
- Just getting all urls
- exclude specific directory from searching
- search results are duplicates
- indexing with pauses
- Template Customization Using PHP Objects
- How do I modify wordings in...
- indexing only anchor text
- Exclude text or parts of a page from the search
- locked site and commandlineinterface
- Crawl mutiple urls
- alle links spidern
- What's in a word for 1.8.0?
- Two languages to search
- How to index a directory with pdf files
- Merge
- A select list for path
- sleep(5) in spider.php?
- Help me
- Using Spider.php in command Lines
- Search Depth using PhpDig with command line
- exclude metatags
- Adding index.shtml
- Indexing links inside hosts
- fopen wrapper configuration directives?
- apostrophe
- security
- Working with Domains
- background color
- Search Template/Array
- "limit to" option on from page?
- Site search
- don't follow link
- 10. Insert PhpDig in a website??
- Yahoo dir
- image search with phpdig
- Alias for the file stored
- Table descriptions
- Remove Index pages
- Exclude list?
- Re-indexing a site with excluded branches
- double install
- one domain
- width of the results
- Searching external domains/links
- How can I restart spidering after crash?
- Adding the site URL in results page
- Mambo OS only indexing first page
- Understanding logs from web indexing
- Changing the search depth
- footer/header with php
- Parameters in phpdigSearch
- How can i exclude pages??
- Searching only content from one domain in database
- How to do I put small form on home page
- How do I create "Site Index" using PHPDig ?
- How can i divide the search page?
- Adding date (of spidering) to search results
- Format modified date for search results
- PHPDig or MySQL Full Text ?
- Implementing search into other pages
- Searching data in MySQL database
- index database
- 2 how-to questions backups, and Crons
- speed of search and filter out double results
- Print Results in specified frame
- Spidering Offline
- CHMOD settings
- novice
- Indexing one page at a time
- Different search depths for different cron jobs
- Index just one page ??
- modification of search apparence
- old indexes
- How to change?
- Specific Directory Search
- digging probs
- levels
- quick search feature on index page
- can't exclude the path
- search results precedence
- how to run spider.php in background mode
- I want search chinese(S)(gb2312) language in PHPDig, How to do???
- Not Spidering Deep enough (strange site i have tho)
- Remove single pdf
- How do I generate static search pages from keyword list?
- Extended Search?
- What about the text_content file
- Search results ordered by update_date
- Indexing sites while require basic authentication
- Searching Home Directories
- inexing .pdf only
- Modify look of found searches
- How support multibyte language?
- Excluding toolbars etc
- incremental building of dig database
- Unicode support & PHP...ironic?
- How do I get site indexed automatically?
- Spider & time limit
- Compiled or corrupted characters
- Lots of Pluses
- Default Depth
- returning results of internal & external sites
- Adding search box to every page
- *Locked*
- Multiple spiders
- Problems with snippets and 2 languages
- Text content on differents domains
- Site size
- Scalability
- input tags and the searchbox
- auto indexing without shell command
- Restrict Spidering to new pages only
- what do these options mean?
- Exclude meta tags from text snippet
- Nothing indexed on some sites
- challenge for you
- Not troubleshootings just questions
- Indexing only one page using command line syntax
- How do you index dynamice pages?
- digging subdomains
- database format
- Can phpDig use only the Meta Description Tag
- Create mysql user for phpdig
- How long?
- cron job problems
- No link in temporary table
- Big dig database - spidering question
- Indexing chinese websites
- web page thumbnails in result page
- multiple SIDs
- content Search using PHP
- PhpDig on SSL
- QUESTION: How-to Spider Multiple URL's, not just one at a time.
- Please, please, please can someone help me?
- Many sites indexed - how to restrict search results to just one or two ?
- what's this code's purpose
- spider folder
- Why this error?
- Instructions for use <!-- phpdigExclude --> and <!-- phpdigInclude -->
- returning search results in categories ~
- Rate of spidering: is it determined by the server?
- serach more than one word
- Spidering using post
- Is it possible to easily combine two or more phpdig dbs?
- mysql_query()
- Db size
- Meta-Tags: Description and Keywords
- Why does phpDig rely on creating txt files for descriptions?
- Locked
- Affiliate code
- spidering problem
- search list...
- Automatic reIndexing - How to set up
- I'm feeling lucky...
- PHP and Javascript in phpdig.html template file
- change link color
- Creating a .php Template Instead of .html
- Embedding phpdig into a forum
- Search Results: Shorten title and description?