View Full Version : Korean Pages

01-12-2004, 10:05 PM
I want to modify config.php to use korean.
So far i have changed
('PHPDIG_ENCODING','iso-8859-1') to

Next Part:

$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-1'] = 'A:ÀÁÂÃÄÅ,a:*áâãäå,O:ÒÓÔÕÖØ,o:òóôõöø,E:ÈÉÊË,e: éêë,C:?c:?I:ÌÍÎÏ,i:ì*îï,U:ÙÚÛÜ,u:ùúûü,Y:?y:ÿ?N:?n:?;
$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-2'] = 'A:ÁÂÄÃ?C:ÇÆ?D:ÏÐ,E:ÉËÊÌ,I:ÍÎ,L:Å¥?N:ÑÒ,O:ÓÔÖÕ,R:ÀØ ,S:¦ª?T:Þ«,U:ÚÜÙÛ,Y:?Z:¬¯?a:áâäã?c:çæ?d:ïð,e:éëêì,i: *î,l:åµ?n:ñò,o:óôöõ,r:*ø,s:¶º?t:þ»,u:úüùû,y:?z:¼¿?;

// allowed chars in words lowercase and without accents only
$phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-1'] = '[:alnum:]ðþßµ';
$phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-2'] = '[:alnum:]ðþßµ';

How can I modify this to use Korean? Is it possible to index or search korean & English both? or I have to choose one language?

Is somebody know where I can find character set for Korean?

Please let me know. Thank you.

01-14-2004, 09:23 AM
Hi. Whether you can index both Korean and English will depend on the encoding. You might try looking here (http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/chars.html) or here (http://unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/).