View Full Version : what do these options mean?

04-28-2004, 08:16 PM
from the config.php file what do these options mean and or do?:

(what is a snippet?)
define('SNIPPET_DISPLAY_LENGTH',150); //Max chars displayed in each snippet

(what does recurse mean and do?)
define('SPIDER_MAX_LIMIT',20); //max recurse levels in spider
define('SPIDER_DEFAULT_LIMIT',3); //default value
define('RESPIDER_LIMIT',4); //recurse limit for update

And it would be cool if there was a guide explaining all of the options and commands in this engine.:angel:

04-29-2004, 03:54 AM
Originally posted by orbitalz
from the config.php file what do these options mean and or do?:

(what is a snippet?)
define('SNIPPET_DISPLAY_LENGTH',150); //Max chars displayed in each snippet

(what does recurse mean and do?)
define('SPIDER_MAX_LIMIT',20); //max recurse levels in spider
define('SPIDER_DEFAULT_LIMIT',3); //default value
define('RESPIDER_LIMIT',4); //recurse limit for update

And it would be cool if there was a guide explaining all of the options and commands in this engine.:angel:

Snippet is how much data to show in the results (the content that get highlighted) so cut the size down if it show more than you require.

Recursion is "calling itself again"
This means that the spider will follow links "recursively" to the depth you set. spider_max and default are these depths to follow.

respider limit is the depth to follow when doing an update.

