View Full Version : Bug Tracker

  1. Bugs, and missing Features in V. 1.6.2
  2. Bugfix <!-- phpDigInclude --> (Version française)
  3. Bugfix <!-- phpDigInclude --> (English version)
  4. No indexing IIS 6 Win 2003 Server
  5. Indexing all HTML-Comments
  6. double quotes crash Phpdig
  7. Indexing META-Tags
  8. Not able to index [some site]...
  9. Numbers
  10. phpdig highlight class only for first search word
  11. Version 1.6.3 Highlight Bug & Fix
  12. Tiny unimportant bug with urldecode
  13. BUGFIX: PHPDIG stops indexing when a 0 is in the page
  14. Small bug in phpdigRewriteUrl()
  15. Exact phrase doesn't work in 1.8.0 when CONTENT_TEXT=0
  16. Bad crc error
  17. Language small bug
  19. keywords.key_id is too small
  20. Cleanup Engine Bug and Fix
  21. https phpdig strande failure
  22. Bug in grabbing urls from the page
  23. Logical bug and stopping spidering
  24. Search Hangs
  25. Bug when spidering subdomains
  26. Problems with HTTP to HTTPS Redirect
  27. Undefined Variable: $reg
  28. rewrite_mod
  29. Error Displaying Results By Meta Description
  30. $pu['file']
  31. infinite loop when indexing sub-domain
  32. Highlight for all templates
  33. Template_demo broken in 1.8.1
  34. Another: links found : 1
  35. Logout does not clear cookies
  36. Changing password after login
  37. "Update One Page" Updating The Whole Database
  38. Some fixes for phpDigCleanHtml()
  39. phpdigprnmsg and Did you mean
  40. Dupliate entries in log?
  41. Hardcoded Language In function_phpdig_form.php
  42. JS window.open link followed, though it's in a function
  43. relative links without URI but only "?bla=1"
  44. Undefined Offset Notice
  45. Fix for slow spidering in PhpDig 1.8.x
  46. Bug with PHPDIG_SESSID_VAR?
  47. LIMIT_TO_DIRECTORY bug from shell
  48. PhpDig can not finish indexing of my website
  49. really dangerous bug!!!! to Charter
  50. update sites mysql warning
  51. Certain Search Strings Causing Errors
  52. Cron-related mismatch type
  53. Very small bug in PhpDig v.1.8.7
  54. cron again
  55. spidering in domain 2 problems
  56. Limit search to this path returns no results
  57. W3C Validator error
  58. Increase snippets lenght
  59. Search keywords order
  60. /~username robots.txt issue - With Fix
  61. template bug & translation suggestions
  62. little bug, but many problems
  63. Undefined variable: user_agent
  64. translate in french
  65. Problem date after indexing
  66. robots.txt seems to be ignored :?
  67. Segmentation fault (core dumped)
  68. Error in PhpDig_Functions - Line 194
  69. Segmentation fault, phpDig 1.8.9 RC1
  70. Exclude not working 1.8.9 RC1 (Workaround included)
  71. Spider CLI call under Windows fails [Workaround included]
  72. Strange db change behavior [Fix included]
  73. PDF/X-PDF "Bug" in 1.8.9 and below
  74. Memory Leak
  75. MySQL crash when requesting word that is not in the index and encoding is ucs2_unicod
  76. Problem with MySQL 4.1
  77. Url part after &amp; is ignored on spider (1.8.9 RC1 and earliers)
  78. Certain sites, pages and pdfs are not indexed 1.8.9 RC1 [Workaround included]
  79. v1.8.8 Error in the query list
  80. Fix for handling HTTP => HTTPS redirects