- Bugs, and missing Features in V. 1.6.2
- Bugfix <!-- phpDigInclude --> (Version française)
- Bugfix <!-- phpDigInclude --> (English version)
- No indexing IIS 6 Win 2003 Server
- Indexing all HTML-Comments
- double quotes crash Phpdig
- Indexing META-Tags
- Not able to index [some site]...
- Numbers
- phpdig highlight class only for first search word
- Version 1.6.3 Highlight Bug & Fix
- Tiny unimportant bug with urldecode
- BUGFIX: PHPDIG stops indexing when a 0 is in the page
- Small bug in phpdigRewriteUrl()
- Exact phrase doesn't work in 1.8.0 when CONTENT_TEXT=0
- Bad crc error
- Language small bug
- keywords.key_id is too small
- Cleanup Engine Bug and Fix
- https phpdig strande failure
- Bug in grabbing urls from the page
- Logical bug and stopping spidering
- Search Hangs
- Bug when spidering subdomains
- Problems with HTTP to HTTPS Redirect
- Undefined Variable: $reg
- rewrite_mod
- Error Displaying Results By Meta Description
- $pu['file']
- infinite loop when indexing sub-domain
- Highlight for all templates
- Template_demo broken in 1.8.1
- Another: links found : 1
- Logout does not clear cookies
- Changing password after login
- "Update One Page" Updating The Whole Database
- Some fixes for phpDigCleanHtml()
- phpdigprnmsg and Did you mean
- Dupliate entries in log?
- Hardcoded Language In function_phpdig_form.php
- JS window.open link followed, though it's in a function
- relative links without URI but only "?bla=1"
- Undefined Offset Notice
- Fix for slow spidering in PhpDig 1.8.x
- LIMIT_TO_DIRECTORY bug from shell
- PhpDig can not finish indexing of my website
- really dangerous bug!!!! to Charter
- update sites mysql warning
- Certain Search Strings Causing Errors
- Cron-related mismatch type
- Very small bug in PhpDig v.1.8.7
- cron again
- spidering in domain 2 problems
- Limit search to this path returns no results
- W3C Validator error
- Increase snippets lenght
- Search keywords order
- /~username robots.txt issue - With Fix
- template bug & translation suggestions
- little bug, but many problems
- Undefined variable: user_agent
- translate in french
- Problem date after indexing
- robots.txt seems to be ignored :?
- Segmentation fault (core dumped)
- Error in PhpDig_Functions - Line 194
- Segmentation fault, phpDig 1.8.9 RC1
- Exclude not working 1.8.9 RC1 (Workaround included)
- Spider CLI call under Windows fails [Workaround included]
- Strange db change behavior [Fix included]
- PDF/X-PDF "Bug" in 1.8.9 and below
- Memory Leak
- MySQL crash when requesting word that is not in the index and encoding is ucs2_unicod
- Problem with MySQL 4.1
- Url part after & is ignored on spider (1.8.9 RC1 and earliers)
- Certain sites, pages and pdfs are not indexed 1.8.9 RC1 [Workaround included]
- v1.8.8 Error in the query list
- Fix for handling HTTP => HTTPS redirects