View Full Version : skipping header and footer

10-17-2005, 11:14 AM
I have a header and a footer included on every page of my website. How do I setup phpdig to skip indexing these portions of my pages, so that I don't certain words don't result in showing every page? Does this make sense?

10-19-2005, 07:55 AM
In the config file is the following:

define('PHPDIG_EXCLUDE_COMMENT','<!-- phpdigExclude -->'); // comment to exclude part of a page
define('PHPDIG_INCLUDE_COMMENT','<!-- phpdigInclude -->'); // comment to include part of a page
// comments must be on their own lines in the HTML source
// text within comments is not indexed
// links within comments are indexed

Wrap what you don't want indexed in comment tags like so:

<!-- phpdigExclude -->
<!-- phpdigInclude -->