View Full Version : Unable to return consistent search results

05-02-2005, 11:32 PM
Hello -

Can you please assist me solve the following problem?

My MySQL *keywords* table includes the following individual words (for one indexed web page):


When searched individually, the proper result appears. When searched using the *all words* option, no result appears, only the question:

No results. Did you mean 110110000000 110110000000 00000 00000?

Thanking you in advance for your assistance.

05-03-2005, 11:12 AM
Is "429900000000,110110000000,110110000000.000,110110000000.0002" one word, or is it four words? When you say "all words" do you mean that you are using the AND operator? If your string is four words and you are using the AND operator, PhpDig is looking for all fours words in the same page, so unless all for words are in the same page, PhpDig finds nothing. From the config file...

// start is AND OPERATOR, exact is EXACT PHRASE, and any is OR OPERATOR
define('SEARCH_DEFAULT_MODE','start'); // default search mode (start|exact|any)
// in language pack make the appropriate changes to 'w_begin', 'w_whole', and 'w_part'
// 'w_begin' => 'and operator', 'w_whole' => 'exact phrase', 'w_part' => 'or operator'