View Full Version : Exclue url variable

03-15-2005, 08:59 PM

I wish to index my portfolio (4images) and when I index, I've the page (per ex.) detail.php?id=444 That's ok, but I've also detail.php?id=444&mode=search

How can I specify to exclue mode=search?
I use robots.txt but can't find the synthax and think it's not possible.
Couldsomeone help me?

A lot of thx for your replies and time.

Regards;D om

PS: I use phpdig 1.8.7 and can't upgrade.

03-15-2005, 09:04 PM
In the config file, add mode to the PHPDIG_SESSID_VAR constant.

define('PHPDIG_SESSID_REMOVE',true); // remove SIDS or vars from indexed URLS
define('PHPDIG_SESSID_VAR','PHPSESSID,s'); // name of SID or variable to remove
// can be 's' or comma delimited 's,id,var,foo,etc'