Please visit the Feedback & News forum for more recent news and discussions. Older news, including information about the site move, can be found below. 24 September 2003 Most things have been moved to this site except the "old" message boards. Some forums on this site have been merged, and a demo section has been added to the main page. 4 September 2003 Things are starting to be moved over from to 3 September 2003 Thanks to Rolandks for the following. Word has come from Antoine, who writes: Hello, I apologize for my long silence, but i was too busy to read all mails about PhpDig. Yes, i am okay for the new home for PhpDig. Il you want a dump of the messageboard tables, i can send it to you, as the xml/xsl sources for documentation and API. When all will be ready, i could remplace my entire phpdig site with a redirector to Best regards, and thanks to continue PhpDig, Antoine Bajolet 2 September 2003 Antoine Bajolet, original creator of PhpDig, is unable to maintain PhpDig any longer and was looking for someone to take the project. Read about it here and here, or read the below from Antoine: --- Want to take the project ? Due to lack of time, i am unable to maintain PhpDig longer. All who is interrested to take the project or fork it is welcome. The only condition is to keep it GPL'ed. --- Need somebody to continue phpDig project Hello, I apologize for all who received no response from me to their questions, but i definively had no time to answer or maintain PhpDig longer. So if somebody is ready to take the project (or fork it, it does not matter), i am ready to give him the task. The only condition is to *NOT* use SourceForge as repository because of their policy. Best regards to all, Antoine Bajolet, 2003-08-08 22:45:30 --- vBulletin was used for a previous board, but due to lack of interest in that board, was purchased, and vBulletin is now being used as the new board for PhpDig. Email was sent to Antoine, expressing interest in continuing the development of PhpDig, but no word back yet. The PhpDig logo was copied and edited, so if anyone hears an objection to this, it can be changed. Also, before moving the information at Antoine's site to this site, the official "okay" is wanted first, so if anyone is in contact with Antoine, please direct him here. Thanks. 1 September 2003 If you were expecting a different site, you are in the right spot. was purchased to make it the new home for PhpDig. Some other "old" forum sites are being directed here too. Because of multiple board formats, you'll need to re-register. The forums are going to be changed around, so if you have any suggestions, please post them. Thanks. |