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Old 06-17-2004, 09:27 PM   #1
Destroyer X
Green Mole
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Posts: 19
Need Help Installing Search Engine

Hey everyone! While I hate to ask a question that has been asked many times, I'm having problems trying to install PhpDig. Before I begin, here's my info. on my phpinfo page:

Anyway, I tried to create the database using [PHPDIG_DIR]/admin/install.php (I managed to figure out the default username and password was admin/admin), however, everytime I tried to use the install page, it gives me the following error message:

Can't create database.
Verify user's rights.

Anyway, I tried creating a table within my MySQL database using MySQL directly, and it gave me the following error message below:

mysql> create table phpdig;
ERROR 1113: A table must have at least 1 column

Anyway, I was wondering if I was doing anything wrong to try to install this search engine. I hope I was descriptive enough by adding the error messages I was given when trying to install the script and including my phpinfo page. Hopefully, between everyone who responds to this, I'll be able to finally configure PhpDig to work on my Web site.

I was using a Perl search engine called Perlfect Search 3.31 for my Web site, but since I'm running a PHP poll and can't place PHP into the HTML template pages that are necessary for the Perl search engine and Perl image gallery, I need to get rid of my Perl scripts and make way for PHP generated pages.

Anyway, thanks everyone for your help. Ciao for now!
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Last edited by Destroyer X; 06-17-2004 at 09:44 PM.
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