Thread: iso-8859-7
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Old 11-26-2003, 10:06 AM   #6
Head Mole
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Join Date: May 2003
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Hi. I found the below ASCII representation of iso-8859-7 at
80-9F: unassigned
// note A0 is a space
A0-BF: _¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬_®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿
E0-FF: *áâãäåæçèéêëì*îïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ
When making $phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-7'], it's like making a key value set. For example, if the Latin A is like the Greek Ά (hex B6) then the $phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-7'] variable would start like the following:
PHP Code:
$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-7'] = 'A:¶'
If Greek uses Á (hex C1) also like the Latin A, then $phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-7'] would start like the following:
PHP Code:
$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-7'] = 'A:¶Á'
The same type of thing goes for Latin a. If Greek uses ά (hex DC) and á (hex E1) like the Latin a, then $phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-7'] would start like the following:
PHP Code:
$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-7'] = 'A:¶Á,a:Üá'
The $phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-7'] variable is for all accented or diacritic characters (basically all accented characters and those characters that do not copy paste into ASCII as the characters themsleves but rather copy paste as ASCII representations of the characters).

The $phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-7'] variable is for lowercase non-accented characters (basically those lowercase non-accented characters that copy paste into ASCII as the characters themselves). An example of this would be Greek µ, so it could be added to $phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-7'] like so:
PHP Code:
$phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-7'] = '[:alnum:]ðþßµ'
Note that it is possible to have an ASCII representaion of a character be in $phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-7'] and also have the ASCII character itself be in $phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-7'].
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