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Old 01-12-2005, 12:16 PM   #5
Orange Mole
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 31

I've exactly the same problem. I've a site on Linux and try this code:
$my_loc = "/home/www/web330/html/search/admin/temp/status.txt";
$my_pid1 = file_get_contents($my_loc);
$my_pid2 = exec("ps -p $my_pid1 | grep \$? | awk '{print \$1}'");
if ($my_pid1 != $my_pid2) {
- Spider is either dead or index is completed
- Query the tempspider table or query the sites table
- Find num rows in tempspider or locked val in sites
- If num rows or locked equal zero index is completed
- Once completed there is nothing more to be done
- Otherwise the spider is dead so unlock the site
- Then restart the spidering process via cron
- You can do the code for this part ;)

exec("/usr/bin/php -f /home/www/web330/html/search/admin/spider.php > /home/www/web330/html/search/admin/temp/spider.log");

I don't know if my code are ok or not. One thing is sure: that's doesn't work on my site and can't work.
It is suppose to write into the file.txt (for me status.txt) something when I run from the admin area the spider.php? He doesn't do anything...
I'm not a pro int php and code, I try to do my best.

A lot of thx for your help and time.

Regards, Dominique
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