Hi... I figured my problem out, and it wasn't something that I saw in the newsgroup, so I'll leave it here in the hopes that someday it will help someone else.
I figured this out by just plain old debugging the code, so there may be a more direct way to do this, but this is what worked for me.
What was happening was that the function phpdigExplore was not returning the URLs contained within my page. The reason was that I have magic_quotes = On. So the eregi functions was failing. So before the line:
while (eregi("(<frame[^>]*src[[:blank:]]*=|href[[:blank:]]*=|http-equiv=['\"]refresh['\"] *content=['\"][0-9]+;url[[:blank:]]*=|window[.]location[[:blank:]]*=|window[.]open[[:blank:]]*[(])[[:blank:]]*[\'\"]?((([[a-z]{3,5}://)+(([.a-zA-Z0-9-])+(:[0-9]+)*))*([:%/?=&;\\,._a-zA-Z0-9\|+-]*))(#[.a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[\'\" ]?",$eval,$regs)) {
I added this line of code:
$eval = stripslashes($eval);
hope this helps someone.