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fredh 02-20-2004 11:38 AM

bug with cookies?
hey all,

I think I have found a bug in PHPDig were it is not passing cookies for all requests.

When PHPDig does a HEAD request to a file, it passes all the cookies properly, but when it actually goes to read the file it uses the PHP file(...) function instead of doing a proper GET request. (admin/robot_functions.php, phpdigTempFile(...) function, line 682)

Why does this matter? Well, I have a multilingual site that uses the PHP session to find the current language setting to render the appropriate text. By not sending cookies, I cannot restore my session to find the proper language setting and thus always get the default text.

I have coded a fix for myself to solve my problem by creating a phpdigfile(...) function that executes a proper GET request instead of using the file() function.

Has anyone else run into this problem?

Charter 02-20-2004 05:25 PM

Hi. I haven't personally come across this issue.

>> I have coded a fix for myself to solve my problem...

Mind sharing?

fredh 02-21-2004 10:10 AM

Sure no problems, here is the function I wrote. I cut / pasted most of the code from your other functions. I'm sure some of this stuff can be broken out into utility functions to avoid the redundancy.

I don't think this is the perfect solution. I have not had time to debug further yet, but the spidering is awfully slow. Somewhere around 20 seconds per page - yikes!

I also noticed that on my platform, (Linux + Apache) the phpDigSetHeaders(...) function doesn't seem to be working properly. The function ini_set's user_agent but if I error_log(ini_get('user_agent')) on the line after it comes up blank... strange... maybe this is why I'm experiencing this whole cookie problem in the first place...

Anyhoot, here is the function. I put it in the robot_functions.php file, and I replaced line 682 of that same file to use it:

line 682:
PHP Code:

$file_content = @phpdigfile($uri,$result_test['cookies']); 

PHP Code:

//Retrieves a remote page into an array. This is 
//better then the PHP file(...) function because
//it passes proper headers, including cookies.
function phpdigfile($_url$_cookies=array())
$retfile = array();
$components parse_url($_url);
    if (isset(
$components['host'])) {
$host $components["host"];
        if (isset(
$components['user']) && isset($components['pass']) &&
$components['user'] && $components['pass']) {
$auth_string 'Authorization: Basic '.base64_encode($components['user'].':'.$components['pass']).END_OF_LINE_MARKER;
    else {
$host '';
    if (isset(
$components['port'])) {
$port = (int)$components["port"];
    else {
$port 80;
    if (isset(
$components['path'])) {
$path $components["path"];
    else {
$path '';
    if (isset(
$components['query'])) {
$query $components["query"];
    else {
$query '';

$fp = @fsockopen($host,$port);
    if (!
error_log('Failed to open socket');
$path str_replace("//","/",$path);

$cookiestosend phpDigMakeCookies($_cookies$path);
//complete get
$request =
."Host: $host$sport".END_OF_LINE_MARKER
."Accept: */*".END_OF_LINE_MARKER
."Accept-Encoding: identity".END_OF_LINE_MARKER
."User-Agent: PhpDig/".PHPDIG_VERSION." (+[url][/url])".END_OF_LINE_MARKER.END_OF_LINE_MARKER;

$bHeaderDone false;
    while (!
$str fgets($fp8192);
    if (!
$bHeaderDone true;
$retfile[] = $str;
$retfile; 02-21-2004 04:30 PM

Hi there,

I think you forgot to escape a few "'s :)

."User-Agent: PhpDig/".PHPDIG_VERSION." (+<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>)".END_OF_LINE_MARKER.END_OF_LINE_MARKER;

I think this would work better. Otherwise I am getting a parse error.

Mr. L

fredh 02-21-2004 07:47 PM

heh good catch -- it appears that this forum software took the liberty of inserting some code on me. There actually shouldn't be any href around the url at all.

To make things easier, I can send anyone interested a patch against v1.8, let me know.


Charter 05-04-2004 10:20 AM

Hi fredh, what's the current status of this mod? Have a file to attach?

fredh 05-04-2004 06:47 PM

you bet! I have attached a patch for the robot_functions.php file and I have attached the snoopy GPL library that I used to implement the fix.

Download the file here:

Simply copy the Snoopy.class.php file into the /includes dir and apply the patch.

Let me know if I can be of any more help, thanks!

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