View Full Version : Tables missing but it is wrong

09-24-2003, 04:41 AM
I want install PHPDig;

Then i created DB and tables then make connection.php file and then i tested site. And give me the error:

"Table engine missing. Table excludes missing. Table keywords missing. Table sites missing. Table spider missing. Table tempspider missing. Table logs missing. "

But all tables created and i see them. When i connect with same user pass i see.. But the application dosen't see..

Can anyone help me about this problem.. thank you..

09-24-2003, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by jakobyen

But all tables created and i see them. When i connect with same user pass i see.. But the application dosen't see..

Where do you see them ? In PhPmyadmin ?
Do you use the /admin/Install.php to create and setup all ?
What table-prefix do you use ?
What shows: your-php-dig-path/index.php and your-php-dig-path/admin/index.php - the same error ?
Which parameter are in include/connect.php - all right ?

David J Harmon
09-26-2003, 06:46 PM
Well I used MySQL to make my db then used install.php to make the tables. The firest time I done it I forgot to change the perm. on the subdir (777). But after fixing that it work. So maybe you need to change the subs to 777, smartFTP will let you do that. If that don't work maybe someone else will have an ideal

David J Harmon
Cappuccino David