View Full Version : Not recognising get variable pages

04-11-2004, 05:29 PM
I have a page that serves most of my website named content.php. It always has a link from my index page, but calls the information from a MySQL database.

I am not getting dig to spider all my pages like:
instead it only sees:
which has no data in it. Not sure what the prob is.

04-11-2004, 07:44 PM
Hi. Using header redirects? If so, check this (http://www.phpdig.net/showthread.php?threadid=573) thread. Otherwise, what do you get on index when you uncommnet //print $answer."<br>\n"; in the robot_functions.php file?

04-12-2004, 11:23 AM
Ok, so I got that figured out. And I even read around here enough to create my own customized page by making the output an array. Everything on it works great except for :
I read the post about CONTENT_TEXT and i have it set to 1. I had it displaying the text before I made my own page.

Here is my search.php file.:

PhpDig Version 1.6.x
This program is provided under the GNU/GPL license.
See the LICENSE file for more information.
All contributors are listed in the CREDITS file provided with this package.
PhpDig Website : http://www.phpdig.net/
$relative_script_path = './search';

if (is_file("$relative_script_path/includes/config.php")) {
include "$relative_script_path/includes/config.php";
else {
die("Cannot find config.php file.\n");

if (is_file("$relative_script_path/libs/search_function.php")) {
include "$relative_script_path/libs/search_function.php";
else {
die("Cannot find search_function.php file.\n");

// extract vars

$output = phpdigSearch($id_connect, $query_string, $option, $refine,
$refine_url, $lim_start, $limite, $browse,
$site, $path, $relative_script_path, 'array');

if (is_file("search_page.php")) {
include "search_page.php";
} else { exit(); }

And here is the code I am using to display the test:


if (!empty($output['results'])) {
$num_out = count($output['results']);
} else { $num_out = 0; }
$num_start = $lim_start + 1;
$num_end = $lim_start + $num_out;

for ($i=$num_start; $i<=$num_end; $i++) {
echo $i.". ";
$output2 = $output['results'][$i];

<?php echo $output2['page_link']; ?>
<?php echo $output2['text']; ?>
<?php echo $output2['update_date']; ?> | <?php echo $output2['weight']; ?><sup>%</sup> Accurate
<?php echo $output2['complete_path']; ?>

echo "<br><br>";

Thanks is advance

04-12-2004, 11:32 AM
And there are files in the text_content/ directory with information in the about each page

04-13-2004, 07:54 PM
Hi. Tried your code and it displays the content of the $output2['text']; variable. Is define('DISPLAY_SNIPPETS',true); set in the config file?

04-14-2004, 03:30 PM
Yes, that is set, here is my config file:

PhpDig Version 1.6.x
This program is provided under the GNU/GPL license.
See the LICENSE file for more information.
All contributors are listed in the CREDITS file provided with this package.
PhpDig Website : http://www.phpdig.net/

//-------------CONFIGURATION FILE-------
//-------------PHP DIG------------------

if ((isset($relative_script_path)) && ($relative_script_path != ".") && ($relative_script_path != "..")&& ($relative_script_path != "./search")) {
if (eregi("config.php",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) || eregi("config.php",$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {


$phpdig_language = "en"; // cs, da, de, en, es, fr, gr, it, nl, no, pt
if (!isset($phpdig_language)) { $phpdig_language = "en"; }

define('PHPDIG_ADM_AUTH','1'); // activates/deactivates the authentification functions
define('PHPDIG_ADM_USER','admin'); // username
define('PHPDIG_ADM_PASS','admin'); // password

//template file and style
$template = "$relative_script_path/templates/simple.html";

define('HIGHLIGHT_BACKGROUND','#FFBB00'); //Highlighting background color
//Only for classic mode
define('HIGHLIGHT_COLOR','#000000'); //Highlighting text color
//Only for classic mode

define('LINK_TARGET','_blank'); //Target for result links
define('WEIGHT_IMGSRC','./tpl_img/weight.gif'); //Baragraph image path
define('WEIGHT_HEIGHT','5'); //Baragraph height
define('WEIGHT_WIDTH','50'); //Max baragraph width

define('SEARCH_PAGE','search.php'); //The name of the search page

define('SUMMARY_DISPLAY_LENGTH',150); //Max chars displayed in summary
define('SNIPPET_DISPLAY_LENGTH',150); //Max chars displayed in each snippet

define('DISPLAY_SNIPPETS',true); //Display text snippets
define('DISPLAY_SNIPPETS_NUM',4); //Max snippets to display
define('DISPLAY_SUMMARY',true); //Display description

define('PHPDIG_DATE_FORMAT','\1-\2-\3'); // Date format for last update
// \1 is year, \2 month and \3 day
define("END_OF_LINE_MARKER","\r\n"); // End of line marker - keep double quotes

define('SEARCH_BOX_SIZE',30); // Search box size
define('SEARCH_BOX_MAXLENGTH',50); // Search box maxlength

define('PHPDIG_ENCODING','iso-8859-1'); // encoding for interface, search and indexing.
// iso-8859-1, iso-8859-2, iso-8859-7, and
// windows-1251 supported in this version.

// replace/edit phpdig_string_subst/phpdig_words_chars for encodings as needed

$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-1'] = 'A:ÀÁÂÃÄÅ,a:*áâãäå,O:ÒÓÔÕÖØ,o:òóôõöø,E:ÈÉÊË,e: éêë,C:Ç,c:ç,I:ÌÍÎÏ,i:ì*îï,U:ÙÚÛÜ,u:ùúûü,Y:Ý,y:ÿý,N :Ñ,n:ñ';
$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-2'] = 'A:ÁÂÄá,C:ÇÆÈ,D:ÏÐ,E:ÉËÊÌ,I:ÍÎ,L:Å¥£,N:ÑÒ,O:ÓÔÖÕ, R:ÀØ,S:¦ª©,T:Þ«,U:ÚÜÙÛ,Y:Ý,Z:¬¯®,a:áâäã±,c:çæè,d:ï ,e:éëêì,i:*î,l:åµ³,n:ñò,o:óôöõ,r:*ø,s:¶º¹,t:þ»,u:ú ùû,y:ý,z:¼¿¾';
$phpdig_string_subst['iso-8859-7'] = 'é:ßú,á:Ü,å:Ý,ç:Þ,ï:ü,õ:ýû,ù:þ';
$phpdig_string_subst['windows-1251'] = 'À:*,Á:á,Â:â,Ã:ã,Ä:ä,Å:å,Æ:æ,Ç:ç,È:è,É:é,Ê:ê,Ë:ë,Ì :ì,Í:*,Î:î,Ï:ï,Ð:ð,Ñ:ñ,Ò:ò,Ó:ó,Ô:ô,Õ:õ,Ö:ö,×:÷,Ø:ø ,Ù:ù,Ú:ú,Û:û,Ü:ü,Ý:ý,Þ:þ,ß:ÿ';

$phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-1'] = '[:alnum:]ðþßµ';
$phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-2'] = '[:alnum:]ðþßµ';
$phpdig_words_chars['iso-8859-7'] = '[:alnum:]ÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÓÔÕÖ×ØÙ¢¸¹º¼¾¿ÚÛáâãä æçèéêëì*îïðñóôõö÷øùÜÝÞßüýþúûÀ*';
$phpdig_words_chars['windows-1251'] = '[:alnum:]ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞß*áâãä æçèéêëì*îïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ';

// start is AND OPERATOR, exact is EXACT PHRASE, and any is OR OPERATOR
define('SEARCH_DEFAULT_MODE','start'); // default search mode (start|exact|any)
// in language pack make the appropriate changes to 'w_begin', 'w_whole', and 'w_part'
// 'w_begin' => 'and operator', 'w_whole' => 'exact phrase', 'w_part' => 'or operator'

define('SEARCH_DEFAULT_LIMIT',30); //results per page

define('SPIDER_MAX_LIMIT',20); //max recurse levels in spider
define('SPIDER_DEFAULT_LIMIT',3); //default value
define('RESPIDER_LIMIT',4); //recurse limit for update

define('LIMIT_DAYS',7); //default days before reindex a page

define('SMALL_WORDS_SIZE',2); //words to not index
define('MAX_WORDS_SIZE',30); //max word size
define('PHPDIG_EXCLUDE_COMMENT','<!-- phpdigExclude -->');
//comment to exclude a page part
define('PHPDIG_INCLUDE_COMMENT','<!-- phpdigInclude -->');
//comment to include a page part

define('PHPDIG_DEFAULT_INDEX',false); //phpDig considers /index or /default
//html, htm, php, asp, phtml as the
//same as '/'
define('PHPDIG_SESSID_REMOVE',true); // remove SIDS from indexed URLS
define('PHPDIG_SESSID_VAR','PHPSESSID'); // name of the SID variable

define('TITLE_WEIGHT',3); //relative title weight
define('CHUNK_SIZE',2048); //chunk size for regex processing

define('SUMMARY_LENGTH',500); //length of results summary

define('TEXT_CONTENT_PATH','text_content/'); //Text content files path
define('CONTENT_TEXT',1); //Activates/deactivates the
//storage of text content.
define('PHPDIG_IN_DOMAIN',false); //allows phpdig jump hosts in the same
//domain. If the host is "www.mydomain.tld",
//domain is "mydomain.tld"

define('PHPDIG_LOGS',true); //write logs

define('TEMP_FILENAME_LENGTH',8); //filename length of temp files
// if using external tools with extension, use 4 for filename of length 8

define('NUMBER_OF_RESULTS_PER_SITE',-1); //max number of results per site
// use -1 to display all results

define('USE_RENICE_COMMAND','1'); //use renice for process priority

// if set to true is_executable used - set to '0' if is_executable is undefined
define('USE_IS_EXECUTABLE_COMMAND','1'); //use is_executable for external binaries

// if set to true, full path to external binary required
define('PHPDIG_OPTION_MSWORD','-s 8859-1');



// if external binary is not STDOUT or different extension is needed
// for example, use '.txt' if external binary writes to filename.txt

//---------FTP SETTINGS
define('FTP_ENABLE',0);//enable ftp content for distant PhpDig
define('FTP_HOST','<ftp host>'); //if distant PhpDig, ftp host;
define('FTP_PORT',21); //ftp port
define('FTP_PASV',1); //passive mode
define('FTP_PATH','<path to phpdig directory>'); //distant path from the ftp root
define('FTP_TEXT_PATH','text_content');//ftp path to text-content directory
define('FTP_USER','<ftp usename>');
define('FTP_PASS','<ftp password>');

// regular expression to ban useless external links in index

// regexp forbidden extensions - return sometimes text/html mime-type !!!
define('FORBIDDEN_EXTENSIONS','\.(ico|cab|swf|css|gz|z|tar|zip|tgz|msi|arj| zoo|rar|r[0-9]+|exe|bin|pkg|rpm|deb|bz2)$');

//----------HTML ENTITIES
$spec = array( "&amp" => "&",
"&agrave" => "*",
"&egrave" => "è",
"&ugrave" => "ù",
"&oacute;" => "ó",
"&eacute" => "é",
"&icirc" => "î",
"&ocirc" => "ô",
"&ucirc" => "û",
"&ecirc" => "ê",
"&ccedil" => "ç",
"œ" => "oe",
"&gt" => " ",
"&lt" => " ",
"&deg" => " ",
"&apos" => "'",
"&quot" => " ",
"&acirc" => "â",
"&iuml" => "ï",
"&euml" => "ë",
"&auml" => "ä",
"&ouml" => "ö",
"&uuml" => "ü",
"&nbsp" => " ",
"&szlig" => "ß",
"&iacute" => "*",
"&reg" => " ",
"&copy" => " ",
"&aacute" => "á",
"&Aacute" => "Á",
"&eth" => "ð",
"&ETH" => "Ð",
"&Eacute" => "É",
"&Iacute" => "Í",
"&Oacute" => "Ó",
"&uacute" => "ú",
"&Uacute" => "Ú",
"&THORN" => "Þ",
"&thorn" => "þ",
"&Ouml" => "Ö",
"&aelig" => "æ",
"&AELIG" => "Æ",
"&aring" => "å",
"&Aring" => "Å",
"&oslash" => "ø",
"&Oslash" => "Ø"

//month names in iso dates
$month_names = array ('jan'=>1,

//apache multi indexes parameters
$apache_indexes = array ( "?N=A" => 1,
"?N=D" => 1,
"?M=A" => 1,
"?M=D" => 1,
"?S=A" => 1,
"?S=D" => 1,
"?D=A" => 1,
"?D=D" => 1,
"?C=N&amp;O=A" => 1,
"?C=M&amp;O=A" => 1,
"?C=S&amp;O=A" => 1,
"?C=D&amp;O=A" => 1,
"?C=N&amp;O=D" => 1,
"?C=M&amp;O=D" => 1,
"?C=S&amp;O=D" => 1,
"?C=D&amp;O=D" => 1);

//includes language file
if (is_file("$relative_script_path/locales/$phpdig_language-language.php")) {
include "$relative_script_path/locales/$phpdig_language-language.php";
elseif (is_file("$relative_script_path/locales/en-language.php")) {
include "$relative_script_path/locales/en-language.php";
else {
die("Unable to select language pack.\n");

//connection to database
if (is_file("$relative_script_path/includes/connect.php")) {
include "$relative_script_path/includes/connect.php";
elseif(!isset($no_connect)) {

//includes of libraries
if (is_file("$relative_script_path/libs/phpdig_functions.php")) {
include "$relative_script_path/libs/phpdig_functions.php";
else {
die ("Unable to find phpdig_functions.php file.\n");
if (is_file("$relative_script_path/libs/function_phpdig_form.php")) {
include "$relative_script_path/libs/function_phpdig_form.php";
else {
die ("Unable to find function_phpdig_form.php file.\n");
if (is_file("$relative_script_path/libs/mysql_functions.php")) {
include "$relative_script_path/libs/mysql_functions.php";
else {
die ("Unable to find mysql_functions.php file.\n");
if ((isset($template)) && (!is_file($template))) {
die ("Unable to locate template file.\n");

// parse encodings (create global $phpdigEncode);
// send encoding if needed
if (!headers_sent()) {
header('Content-type:text/html; Charset='.PHPDIG_ENCODING);
// turn off magic_quotes_sybase for escaping purposes
if (!isset($no_connect)) {

04-15-2004, 01:47 PM
Hi. I don't see a reason it shouldn't be working. I copied your code and it worked fine. What do you see when you look at the HTML source of the search results page?

04-15-2004, 10:42 PM
I figured it out. The .txt files in /text_content weren't CHMOD readable. It works great now, thank you for all your help!