View Full Version : phpdig spider hangs (a powerpoint file problem)

03-29-2004, 09:49 AM
i just thought i would post in case anyone has a similar problem to the one i have just spent ages trying to resolve.

phpdig runs but does not complete spidering - the browser gets half way through displaying the output and then just stops and shows done.

i tried many things, but the problem it seems was due to a .pps file (a powerpoint file) that can be downloaded from my site.

if you get a similar problem - check out that you do not have a file type on your site that is unusual and not listed in this section of config.php:

define('FORBIDDEN_EXTENSIONS','\.(ico|cab|swf|css|gz|z|tar|zip|tgz|msi|arj| zoo|rar|r[0-9]+|exe|bin|pkg|rpm|deb|bz2|pps)$');

if you do just all it to this list and things may start working again.

thanks for the great software

03-29-2004, 12:35 PM
Hi, and thanks for the post.