View Full Version : problems making phpdig able to search pdf files

07-27-2008, 01:47 AM
hello everybody!

I've installed phpdig on my server and am now trying to make it able to search through pdf files.

I checked this article: http://www.phpdig.net/forum/faq.php?s=&do=search&q=pdf&match=all&titlesonly=0

but I have some problems now and I hope you can help me out:

first, their mirror couldn't find the file so I went to the footlab site and downloaded the newest file:


when I unzip it, I can't find "only the pdftotext file (it has already been compiled and is a binary file)"

is it pdftotext.cat?

then I upload this file in to my cgi-bin folder

in the config.php file I have to put the following:

define('PHPDIG_PARSE_PDF','/full/path/to/cgi-bin/pdftotext'); // assuming linux

shall I put pdftotext.cat there or why didn't they put an extension?

Thanks for your help

07-29-2008, 01:26 PM
I have now found the file and changed my config file.

The spider starts searching but then stops (at least I guess so) and the page is finished loading although it says on top: "spider is searching..."