View Full Version : 500 internal error

01-11-2007, 04:53 PM
Getting 500 Internal Error

PhpDig 1.8.8-rc1
PHP 4.4.4
MySQL 4.0.27

I can see the domain.com/dir/phpdig_logo_2.gif image with PHPDIG_ADM_AUTH set to both 1 or 0.

01-14-2007, 07:26 AM
I just tried to install the script.
Got an Http 500 error when I tried to log in.
My experience being that very often this is caused by an incorrect htaccess-file, I renamed htaccess and could make it to the form for the database access.
I entered the connection data and nothing happened.
I went to the admin-Folder and saw the following error message:
"Could not run set names. "
Whether it's a coincidence or not: according to connect.php this message is obviously generated when there's a problem setting the utf-8 character set.
The htaccess file causing the Internal server error also tries to set the default character-set to utf-8.
Re-enabling .htaccess produced another Http 500 error.