View Full Version : Can i index linked pages in different domains?....Need some help

11-15-2005, 12:19 PM
Hi, ....i need to index linked pages in different domains,....i mean, i have a page in www.mydomain.com with a link to other page in www.yourdomain.com which i need to index. So PhpDig must index my first page, find a link to my second page and index it also. I don´t know if PhpDig can do this but if it can, i can´t find how.

If someone can help me it would be great !...

11-18-2005, 02:10 AM
PhpDig is set to crawl links from one site, without hopping to another site. Not recently tested, but to try and crawl links from a site to external sites, set PHPDIG_IN_DOMAIN to true in the config file and apply the code change in this (http://www.phpdig.net/forum/showthread.php?t=177) thread.