View Full Version : Incorrect Index (possible reverse lookup?)

05-18-2005, 11:24 AM
After digging through the forums a bit, and didnt see an answer to this problem at first glance, so my apologies if it has been answered. Seem to be having an issue with the spider returning in correct results. after some head scratching have came to the conclusion that it may be due to a reverse look up issue.

1) http://www.suncoastsearch.com/search/search/php
2) type in host
3) this returns results for realestate sites etc..., the files it seems to be returning do not even exist on this domain but on the main domain of the host as these are all shared hosting accounts. have attempted looking for gethostaddrbyname() within the source , but was unsuccesful in locating it.

Curious as too how the spider is crawling files from other sites, and indexing them for the wrong domain.

05-18-2005, 11:54 AM
well i guess at this point i will go ahead and answer my own question here for any others that run into the same issue. the sys-admin here looked into it and it appears the improper indexing is due to invalid A records on the DNS servers.