View Full Version : indexing archives with links in pull-down menu...

11-13-2004, 11:34 AM
Hello, sorry but my english isn't good, I`m from Madrid (Europe), I have a problem when I try indexing the archives with links in pull-down menu, for example:


¿anybody knows like solving this problem?

Thanks, bye.

11-13-2004, 11:52 AM
Hi, sorry but my english isn't good, I`m having problems when I try indexing archives with type links archive.php?mod=1&tit=2 in pull-down menu, for example:

mm_menu_0815043357_0_1.addMenuItem ("Junta Directiva","location='index.php?id=junta_directiva&tit=junta_directiva'");

it gives back to the error duplicated file to me when they are different archives...

¿anybody knows like solving this problem?

Thanks, bye.