View Full Version : Carachter Erros

06-27-2004, 01:50 AM
Look at http://busca.planetix.com.br/search.php?site=0&path=&result_page=search.php&query_string=Diego&search=Go

There is same erros:
tranqüilo (tranqüilo)
Até (Até)
Comentários (Comentários)

What is the problem???

06-27-2004, 07:42 AM
Hi. The first link on your test page is likely UTF-8 whereas the second link is likely ISO-8859-1. If you view the HTML source on your test page, you will see a meta tag setting the character set to ISO-8859-1, so the second link displays correctly but the first link displays incorrectly. If you save the HTML source and replace ISO-8859-1 with UTF-8, you should see that the first link displays correctly but the second link displays incorrectly. PhpDig is currently set to allow only one character type, that character type being single byte, not multi-byte. ISO-8859-1 is single byte, but UTF-8 is multi-byte.